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Wellness Coaching 


I get it, after loosing 98lbs, I get how difficult it is to lose weight and maintain your weight.  I’ve tried it all, diet pills for 15 years, Fad diets, detox cleanses, master cleanse, intermittent fasting and more.  I never loved to workout until one day it just clicked.  I felt energized and learned how to release my stress and pent up energy.  Instead of relying on food and binge eating to cope, I’ve learned that my body needed movement to release the stored stress energy.  


I’m a mom of 2, been married 14yrs, have 2 adorable Shi Tzu’s, own a Hair Salon for 10yrs, and have been a Hairstylist for 16yrs.  I can say life is super ACTIVE, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Beauty + Wellness is my passion and my mission is to help you feel your best internally through movement and learning how to fuel your body.  Through this you’ll have the energy and health you need to do ALL of the things you love and hey, maybe even try something new that you never enjoyed doing!  I am a Bikini Bodybuilding Athlete, I’m a Certified 200hr Yoga Trainer, Behavioral Nutrition Coach and have been helping my clients 1 on 1 see results through my Coaching. 


I developed a 4-8 week program that will help you through Behavioral Challenges you may have towards food.  My 3 pillars have helped over 30 clients to date and counting!  Being able to support, encourage, Coach, and cheer others on, is a great passion of mine.  As a Hairstylist and Salon Owner, it is pretty challenging to get your eating right ESPECIALLY because you’re with clients all day.  If you are a Hairstylist or Business owner OR just a person with a CRAZY back to back schedule similar mine, then I want to share with you that THIS HABIT isn’t normal. It isn’t healthy and  it’s not sustainable. PERIOD.  Throwing back a few trial mix, living on coffee and ZERO Water or Protein isn’t IT.  If you want a long, healthy career and LIFE, then my Behavioral Nutrition program is for you.  


There IS HOPE.  I created this program because I was the prime example of “if insurance doesn’t cover it we can’t see you”.  I was turned away to call my insurance instead of being helped or guided, even though I was already a patient, I was treated like a dollar sign.  My well being meant nothing to the Nutritionist.  It was that moment that I realized this was up to ME!  This journey was mine and it was time to grab it by the BALLS (pardon my form of expression) and turn my life around.  I created this 8 week program and did ALL of this work myself. It’s proven to work if you do the work.  It isn’t easy,  it will push you, it will make you uncomfortable, it will challenge you to BREAK THE CHAINs. 


The question is WHAT is your goal, What are you WILLING to do to achieve your goal, and what are you NOT WILLING to do? 


To learn more and get started on your journey click below.

What you’ll get:

  • 1st one on one call to connect with me and set your goals.

  • Week by week guided workbook

  • Additional App required to join my community for weekly assessments and measurements, nutrition logging, announcements and weekly encouragement videos, one on one messaging, at home workout videos available and more.

  • Weekly wrap up calls to celebrate your wins and prep for the next week goals.

  • Build new habits 

  • Transform your mindset, emotions and self talk.


I recently completed my 8- week program of LBP Behavioral Nutrition with Jenny. After having my second child, I gained weight, I was feeling exhausted all the time, and neglected taking care of myself. I tried dieting, but failed all the time. I was not consistent, mostly because I didn’t have the coaching and drive to continue. Working with Jenny has been a game changer. She set specific goals for me, but most importantly she taught me to connect my mind with my food to create healthy habits. Working with her has been therapeutic because for the first time in a long time I am doing something for me, for my health and wellbeing. Jenny’s program is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle. It’s not easy and it takes a lot of discipline and commitment but it’s not impossible. With the right mindset, it can be done. Jenny introduced me to eating proteins, eating frequently, how to make healthier food choices, and that carbs are not the enemy. Furthermore, for the first time in my life, I’m lifting weights! Today, I eat more, I eat healthier, I have more energy, I workout more, and I understand my WHY, which has helped me to continue this new lifestyle even after I completed my 8-week program with Jenny. There are no food restrictions, you have the control, which allows you to make smart choices on what to or what not to feed your body. This is powerful. I cannot say enough good things about Jenny. She is knowledgeable, caring, kind, and she’s definitely passionate in what she does. I have no regrets, just a heart full of gratitude for people that you get to meet that have the ability to bring the best version of yourself. Thanks Jenny 


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